Webtelligence Sage 300 Web Store

Your Sage Partner of Choice

Your Sage inventory items are automatically available on your web store if you want them there. No manual uploads or maintaining 2 sets of data.

Empower Customers

Your customers gain the ability and confidence to self-serve, while reducing reliance on your customer service team.

Cut Your Costs

Reduce costs associated with maintaining inventory and other administrative functions. Automate business processes front to back.

Boost Your Sales

Expand your market by having access to customers traditionally out of your reach, with customized marketing objectives.

Go Mobile

Go anywhere at any time. Your web store is made available on all platforms with no compromise on functionality.

Supports Sage Business Logic

Your web store will exactly reflect your Sage setup.

  • Supports all Sage pricing models
  • Customer specific price lists can control items available to purchase and negotiated prices
  • Authorized customers can buy with payment terms as set up in Sage
  • Sage remains the primary system of record for all data

Additional Features

Customer Self-Service

Pertinent information is replicated to the platform to allow sales to happen even if Sage is not running. Queued orders will be inserted when Sage is available.

Works All The Time

Our customers’ web stores are monitored 24 hours a day 365 days a year. 

Attractive, Intuitive Design

Your web store must reflect your brand identity and your products. If you prefer to come to us with your own design, we can work with that as well. It’s your choice.

Other Essential Integrations

Sage 300 is one essential integration to provide a complete user experience. There are many other services and applications that you may use to service customers, many of which can and should be integrated to your web store:

  • Common carriers for shipping costs and tracking
  • Social media for liking and sharing
  • Marketing platforms
  • Payment processing
  • Tax compliance…

To name a few. Webtelligence can incorporate these and others for a complete solution that your customers will love to use.